Mineralized drinking water.
Straight from your tap.



The AROMA series has been specially developed for the mineralization
and flavor optimization of water for making coffee. The addition
of magnesium enhances the aroma of water with a low mineral
content, while the integrated purification stage removes any
unpleasant flavors.
Ideally suited for use with plumbed-in coffee machines in soft
water areas or after reverse osmosis (RO).



Hot beverages

– Reduction of contaminants such as pesticides and heavy metals

– Removes chlorine and unpleasant odors through activated carbon

Specially selected filter materials hold back dirt and particles, thus providing lasting filter protection even when water quality is poor.

– With top-quality, certified food-grade mineral salts from Europe (approved by the FDA)

– Allows for an increase of up to several hundred milligrams of mineral salts per liter

– Produces fresh and pleasant-tasting drinking water

– With “Swiss made” product designation declaring development and production in Switzerland

Data sheet